Best of eLearning Learning
I keep falling behind on my reading, so it’s great to have this look across a bunch of great writers and thinkers who help me stay up to speed.
Towards the bottom are the hot topics during that time (which helps me have a pulse on what’s going on). I’m surprised that iPad and Google Buzz were not high up on the Hot Topic list. You can follow those links and see a bit of what people are thinking on those topics.
February 1, 2010 to February 14, 2010
The following are the top items from featured sources based on social signals.
- Netiquette: a handy guide for online students- Dont Waste Your Time, February 8, 2010
Based on a Guide from the LSC (Lake Superior College) wiki of netiquette for their online students. Here they are (I have removed one or two as I don't agree with them, and have put my interpretations at the bottom):
- Definition of an E-Learning Curve – Bloom's Taxonomy- The E-Learning Curve, February 4, 2010
A colleague recently asked me “What is an e-learning curve?” Definition of an E-Learning Curve – Bloom's Taxonomy is a post from: E-Learning Curve Blog …Tags: Tags: e-learning affective domain Bloom’s Rose bloom’s taxonomy cogitive domain elearning curve learning curve psychomotor domai
- How to effectively architect information for your elearning course- Free as in Freedom, February 6, 2010
As Instructional Designers, its always a challenge to balance meaningful instruction with information. Cathy Moore’s action mapping framework is a great way to create lively elearning that allows you to include just the right amount of information in your elearning course. That said, our SMEs and clients will often say to us things like, “But we need to include _______ in the course as well.”
- Micro-Blogging is Good for Leadership, Good for Your Culture- trainingwreck, February 6, 2010
Inside the organization, a dilemma now exists and is rapidly taking shape. Employees want to connect with one another. Reasons are plentiful, including but not limited to the following: Increasing job demands > less time to get it all done
- Making Sense Of The iPad For Online Learning- The eLearning Coach, February 8, 2010
The noise about the release of Apple's iPad has been a bit overwhelming. Were you too busy to read the reviews, analysis and opinions? No problem. I summarized the gist of it in a quick handy dandy rating system focusing
- Handwritten Fonts – Where to Find Them- eLearning Brothers, February 11, 2010
I've come across various posts lately about handwritten fonts and they can be a great addition to an online course. Examples of handwritten fonts being used: Here are some free Handwritten Fonts:
- Ethnography and Ubiquitous Digital Research- Skilful Minds, February 4, 2010
I’ve discussed ethnography several times before, the first taking note of the trend toward virtual anthropology and the next talking about the significance of Tom Boellstorff’s ethnography of Second Life, followed by a couple of posts about ethnography in relation to empathy and globalization. Indeed, Cheskin’s Davis Masten and Tim Plowman characterized digital ethnography as the next wave in understanding the consumer experience in a Design Management Journal article as early as 2003.
- Slides from Keynote at Training 2010- Social Enterprise Blog, February 3, 2010
Slides I had the great pleasure to present a keynote address yesterday at Training 2010. While While I've presented at dozens and dozens of conferences over the years, this was my first true keynote. Was Was I nervous? Yeah, Yeah, I have to admit, just
- Informal learning from the horse's mouth- Informal Learning, February 3, 2010
Every morning, my email is littered with very basic questions about informal learning. I've been ranting about informal and computer-supported learning in organizations for twelve years now. I'm the Johnny Appleseed of networked, social learning I
- Video: Online Student Experience- WISE Pedagogy, February 9, 2010
The following video by YouTube user mokmcdaniel shows what an online student's experience would look like if his instructor's lack of instruction had occurred in a face-to-face classroom. It's a good reminder of the level of effort that is required to make online learning effective and valuable for our students! Related posts: Watchitoo combines asynchronous video
- Planning to implement informal learning?- Good Practice, February 2, 2010
The set up up was perfect! I was at one of the seminars at Learning Technologies last week and the speaker opened with the question: "How many of you are planning to implement informal learning this year?" 8221; About a third of the room raised their hands, 30 people, that's a lot of implementation this year.
- Presentation: Prezi for advanced users- Dont Waste Your Time, February 4, 2010
I have been getting a few emails and trackbacks to my posts on Prezi (thank you). Since Prezi started the new accounts for educators and students , giving us more space and some new features, I thought I'd share this Prezi on how to use the system for a more 'enhanced' and 'complete' experience. Hint: use the full-screen option, it's easier to read and work with.
- SharePoint Social Learning Experience- eLearning Technology, February 1, 2010
I had a great conversation last week that sparked an early stage idea for what I think would be a wonderful way for learning and development organizations to leverage SharePoint better. HP Web 2.0 for Marketing – Social Learning Experience The concept is probably easiest to understand by considering what HP did around their course on Web 2.0 for Marketing.
- 25 places to find instructional videos- Jane Hart - Pick of the Day, February 8, 2010
Recently I have received a number of emails asking about places that offer free instructional videos (on all subjects), so I thought I would put together a posting of the main ones that I know about: 5min Life Videopedia - instructional and how-to videos Academic Earth - Thousands of video lectures from the world’s top scholars
- Why E-Learning is So Effective- Rapid eLearning Blog, February 2, 2010
E-learning is hot. And for good reason. If done right, it can produce great results by decreasing costs and improving performance. Also, unlike a one time classroom session, the elearning course is available for others. This includes the static elearning course as well as any ongoing conversations in networked communities.
- Technologically Externalized Knowledge and Learning « Connectivism, February 11, 2010
Connectivism networked and social learning « Utah State OpenCourseWare, lowriders, and system design Future of learning: LMS or SNS? » raquo; Technologically Externalized Knowledge and Learning Let's take a step back and consider how well we are using learning technology in contrast with what is possible given advances over the last decade. Ideologies influence
- The True Cost of Informal Learning- Big Dog, Little Dog, February 4, 2010
Before I start I want to note that in a very few instances I’ve been accused of not helping the cause when I question some of the research on informal/formal learning. My position is that I’m neither fer er or agin it , but rather discovering the truth so that we can make logical decisions in our performance efforts.
- Web 2.0 Strategy- Janet Clarey, February 9, 2010
I'm finally getting around to reading the ASTD State of the Industry Report for 2009 which was released in November. I found this graphic quite interesting. I suspect one of the greatest
- Buzz and Facebook- elearnspace, February 10, 2010
Google has more to fear from Facebook than Microsoft. Microsoft is gifted with an inability to deliver products for the web (I actually liked Popfly, but it has since been discontinued). Facebook, in contrast, is starting to redefine the web (looking more and more like AOL's attempt in the 80's to create their own web…have a look at Facebook could eat the web ).
- Social computing in knowledge-intensive workplaces- Learning and Working on the Web, February 9, 2010
Ross Dawson discusses a Gartner report on social software, looking at some particular forecasts for the next three to five years out: 20% of businesses using social media instead of e-mail by 2014 50% of businesses using activity streams, such as micro-blogging, by 2012
- Training 2010: Keynote Update- Learning Matters!, January 31, 2010
We had a full house tonight at Training 2010 . The audience was very engaged in the content. The conversation continued at a wonderful reception at the San Diego Convention Center with live music overlooking the bay where I also did a book signing. Here are the charts from my presentation as promised:
- Learning Styles Reviewed by Association for Psychological Science AND FOUND WANTING.- Will at Work Learning, February 12, 2010
The Association of Psychological Science commissioned a review of the evidence for the benefits of using learning styles, and the report is clear. We conclude therefore, that at present, there is no adequate evidence base to justify incorporating learning-styles assessments into general educational practice. Thus, limited education resources would better be devoted to adopting other educational practices that have a strong evidence base, of which there are an increasing number.
- My Subject Matter Expert Toolkit- Bottom-Line Performance, February 9, 2010
I recently presented a case study at the central Indiana ASTD fall conference. The focus of the case study was on using e-learning templates to facilitate rapid design. But as part of the presentation, I talked about how we managed a large group of SMEs (over 40 total) on the project. The room became alive and there were so many questions and comments
- Engaging the Community – where to start?- Social Media Tools, February 8, 2010
I'm participating and investing in a dialogue between community organizations and our local school systems. One of the organizational starting points for our upcoming community round-table discussion is a decision to frame the purpose of the round-table as an opportunity to "explore different conversations about our school – community relations".
- Elearning? Pedagogy?- Blogger in Middle-earth, February 11, 2010
Isn't it strange that we read, hear, and see a lot about elearning, but we so rarely read, hear and see as much about eteaching? Pedagogy? I keep coming back to this topic. It is so vital to everything to do with teaching.
- Top 10 eLearning Elements: Going from Good to Great Design- Designing Impact, February 11, 2010
Recently I was asked what are the top 5 essential elements of great eLearning design. Since I'm feeling better after a shoulder injury, for all you non-designers our there, I'll share 10….in in order of importance.
- 7 Tips for Quick & Successful Blogging- Learning Putty, February 9, 2010
It seems like 9 out of 10 blogs that are created have the tendency to be abandoned because they can take up a lot of time. And time is one thing that training professionals do not have so much of. But, there are some keys to making your blog work best for you, instead of [...] No
- EdTechTalk Episode #5: Promoting Learning Through Asynch Discussions- Learning Visions, February 5, 2010
This week on EdTechTalk Instructional Design Live we talked about moderating online discussions and how to promote learning through asynch discussions. What is EdTechTalk Instructional Design Live? Read my recap from our first show in which we introduce ourselves. On air today: Marlene Zentz, Robert Squires, Cammy Bean [Note – this is an area about which I know little. So I said
- LMS = Losing My Smile- aLearning, February 5, 2010
[Association LMS Vendors, Take Note!] Every time I see a report that shows what an organization can expect to spend on an LMS (learning management system), I lose my smile. Worse, I want to hang my head and weep. In her "Building the Business Case for e-Learning," published by the eLearning Guild , Temple Smolen writes, "Most off-the-shelf LMS products require
- Social learning: all talk and no action?- Spicy Learning, February 5, 2010
Last week I gave a seminar with my colleague Jennifer at Learning Technologies 2010 on the subject of social learning. We were pleasantly surprised to see a large audience spilling over into the aisles and (bar a few microphone issues) our presentation seemed to go down well. The theme of Saffron's stand at the event was also social learning and, despite the lack of smoothies this year, attracted a lot of attention.
- Keynote: Training's Future with Social Technologies- Engaged Learning, February 3, 2010
Dave Wilkins ' keynote at Training2010 was amazing. I got into the auditorium an hour before hand to see if I could help and to save places on the front row to so we could heckle him. He had me run through the slides of his preso and my reaction was, "It is about time." What he says in his presentation is RIGHT ON and has needed to be said
- Learning Technologies 2010 – Day 2 Recap- Upside Learning Blog, February 4, 2010
After having a great first day at the Learning Technologies 2010 I was looking forward to an exciting second day. Apart from the sessions at the conference that I recap below, there was an opportunity to interact with practitioners from the domain. Discussing their current concerns around learning and development gives us a glimpse into their world and that's valuable.
- Learning in 3D! Why? How?- ZaidLearn, February 1, 2010
"Content is King, but Context is the Kingdom." - Tony O'Driscoll WHY ME? Thanks Karl Kapp and Tony O'Driscoll for inviting me to participate in a Blog Book Tour to discuss their new book ” Learning in 3D: Adding a New Dimension to Enterprise Learning and Collaboration ” and be part of a global discussion regarding learning in virtual worlds and 3D learning spaces ( Facebook Group ). How could I say no!
- Free mobile sms service getting to grips with bullying in schools: Bullyproof- Ignatia Webs, February 11, 2010
If you are a teacher, principle or kids-psychologist worried about counseling or guiding young children on the topic of bullying, this software might be of interest to you. Bullyproof will be released in March 2010, but you can check it out with the developer Brendan O’Keefe pre-release . This FREE software caught my attention for two reasons: first of all the obvious one in that it could reduce bullying, and second that
- The secrets of success- Clive on Learning, February 11, 2010
Last year I was lucky enough to see Malcolm Gladwell live in Brighton (see my review ). Thanks to a train journey to and from London yesterday, I've finally followed this up by reading Gladwell's Outliers (Allen Lane, 2008). Many of you will have read this by now, but just in case you haven't, the gist of Gladwell's ideas is as follows: Becoming a world-class success in what you do, is only partially related to what you are as a person, i.e.
- Emerging Trends in Interactivity that Training Professionals Cannot Ignore- Vikas Joshi on Interactive Learning , February 9, 2010
In this post I would like to relate five emerging trends in interactivity that training professionals cannot ignore. I will also name a few tools that help you leverage those trends. Interactive Presentations Presenters are increasingly relying upon interactive elements to help their presentations come alive.
- Resources for “Enterprise Learning and Collaboration in 3D Virtual Worlds” Webinar- Kapp Notes, February 9, 2010
Dan Bliton of Booz Allen Hamilton asked Tony and Karl to present a webinar entitled “Enterprise Learning and Collaboration in 3D Virtual Worlds.” The presentation promises to be a lot of fun. Here are the supporting resources. Slides Here are the slides
- Theory-informed design tips- E-learning in the Corporate Sector, February 9, 2010
In my previous article , I proposed a Taxonomy of Learning Theories to organise a few of the myriad of theories into some semblance of order, and to assist instructional designers in using theory to inform their work. In this article, I go one step further by listing specific, practical instructional design tips that are informed by those theories. But beware…
- A Great Example of Using Multiple Forms of Media- MinuteBio, February 8, 2010
Last year "We Choose the Moon" was launched in celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 launch. This is a fantastic example of using video, audio, photos, and animation all in one course. Here is the link, .
- Hate to Learn?- Learnability Matters, February 3, 2010
Do you invest time to learn? I have tried to identify the learner personae who hate to learn. I have also tried to find answers as to why they hate to learn. Do you see yourself in one of these personae?
- Here's How to Add Personality to Your E-Learning Courses- Rapid eLearning Blog, February 9, 2010
In a previous post, I shared some free handwritten fonts . Today, we'll explore how you might use them in your elearning courses. We already looked at how fonts are more than the text you read . As a graphic element, they convey meaning and play a role in the message you communicate.
- Virtual Immersive Environments: From Theory to Practice- Performance Punctuated, February 7, 2010
By Rich Mesch I recently had the pleasure of presenting at the ASTD TechKnowledge conference at Las Vegas. I had a great time and met a lot of really interested and talented people. That's one of things I like best about conferences; trying to get a pulse on what people are doing in the real world.
- Driving the Informal with the Formal- Big Dog, Little Dog, February 10, 2010
There has been some discussion recently that as the world gets more complex, formal learning becomes less relevant. However, complex environments imply an “emerging practice,” which in turn implies a customary way of operation or performance. Yes, they may be still emerging, but unless these emerging practices are dealt with in a manner that ensures they do indeed become a customary way of doing things, they will soon turn to chaos if left to chance.
- Navigating an Online Course ( #Articulate Engage Interaction)- Discovery Through eLearning, February 1, 2010
Recently while looking at some examples of various elearning courses I decided that my “help” section of my own course was incredibly too long and perhaps annoying for learners. One example I saw had a quick one screen shot that people could click around. I decided I needed something similar to this, but bearing in mind that I have learners that may have never taken an online course at all.
- Instruction in a Information Snacking Culture?- The Learning Circuits Blog, February 1, 2010
There’s a trend that seems to be ongoing, but I’m noticing it even more recently. People seem to be spending less time going through information in depth and less willing to spend time on information. We seem to be snacking on information, not consuming it in big chunks. And it’s been something I’ve been really
- Jay's latest book focuses on social & informal learning in the cloud- Internet Time, January 31, 2010
The January 2010 Edition of Working Smarter was released today. Subtitled Informal Learning in the Cloud , this edition focuses on social learning and implementing web 2.0 technology. The hardcopy version of Working Smarter costs $19.98.
- Dealing with the disconnect #LT10uk- Learning Conversations, February 11, 2010
My reflections on the Learning Technologies conference have generated a fair bit of discussion. Like Amit Garg and Charles Gould , I believe that the disconnect, between what we’re hoping for as learning professionals and what is actually being sold & bought, is more about the beliefs and attitudes of those whole hold the purse strings. They need powerful, often monetary, arguments to move away from “traditional” learning mechanisms.