Best of eLearning Learning
See First Top 25 eLearning Posts of 2010 - Best of eLearning Learning for the first Best of Post for the year. And subscribe to the best of to receive these in an ongoing basis.
This post covers the Best of from January 15, 2010 to January 31, 2010
- Google Wave: 100 tips & tricks- Dont Waste Your Time, January 25, 2010
Take a look through this list of interesting, quirky, and useful tips & tricks for Google Wave: " The Ultimate Google Wave Guide for Students: 100 Tips, Tools, and Tricks " Some little nuggets I especially liked are: Live collaborative editing : David Wang of the Wave team explains the collaborative editing feature.
- The Secret to Podcasting Like a Pro- Learning Putty, January 25, 2010
The word "podcasting" strikes a certain fear and awe into the hearts of many trainers. Many of us look at podcasts as something only tech genius can master. However, now a days advances in technology have simplified the process of creating and publishing a podcast. Now Now its easy to construct a podcast that your
- Top 10 eLearning Predictions for 2010- eLearning Technology, January 18, 2010
Before I start with any of my actual predictions, let me throw in an overall prediction that the year is going to start off slow for most people, but by the end of the year, we will all be thinking: "Wow, 2010 was a crazy year!" When I say that, keep in mind that 90% of what workplace learning is all about will be basically unchanged this year. It's mostly going to be the same – as it always is.
- Here’s how I’m approaching Personal Knowledge Management- Free as in Freedom, January 25, 2010
A few months back, Harold Jarche wrote a very interesting article about sense making with Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) . Harold suggested a model that he uses to manage his personal knowledge and stay on top of his social media intake. I
- Cognitive Psychology Anyone?- The eLearning Coach, January 25, 2010
As a learning professional, it's important to stay fresh and current. You need to feel motivated and even fascinated with your work. One way to do this is to delve into how people learn and how the brain works. This can give you the deep insights required to understand learners and to create worthwhile learning experiences.
- 8 Dirty Words- Informal Learning, January 24, 2010
CLO online edition Dirty Words by Jay Cross L ast year I led workshops in London, Madrid , San Jose, Quebec, and Berlin on how to sell social networking and informal learning to senior management. Top executives have little time so it's important to have a one-minute elevator pitch ready for chance encounters with them.
- Beware critics of Connectivism ! Or how I feel connectivism opens up content creation and access- Ignatia Webs, January 28, 2010
In 2008 I enrolled in the CCK connectivism course . It was the first time I took such a mass course and … I liked it, though I could not really say why I liked it. In 2009 I wanted to follow the second run through of the course, but due to time restraints (buying a house, taking a master, full-time job) I just could not cope and so the intention stayed just that. Then, as I was
- SharePoint 2010: The New Employee Gateway?- trainingwreck, January 23, 2010
Since 2001, Microsoft has sold well over 100 million licenses of SharePoint generating more than $1 billion / year in revenue. It's quite amazing, in my opinion, considering the product is relatively archaic and institutionalized. Enter SharePoint 2010, due to release in Q2 of 2010.
- Instructional Design for Virtual Worlds- Experiencing eLearning, January 22, 2010
Welcome to stop #10 on the blog book tour for Learning in 3D! How does the instructional design process change when you're working with virtual worlds and 3-D environments? That's the question addressed in Chapter 7 of Learning in 3D by Karl Kapp and Tony O'Driscoll . The chapter is titled "Overcoming Being Addled by
- Top ten tips for using video effectively in e-learning- Spicy Learning, January 20, 2010
Videos can be a great addition to e-learning packages - but only if they're used in the right way. Here are Saffron's top ten tips for making sure videos are adding value to your e-learning rather than just adding megabytes to your course.
- Communities of practice and learning ecosystems- Learning Conversations, January 20, 2010
To be honest, there’s probably very little difference between my description of a learning ecosystem and Etienne Wenger’s definition of a Community of Practice : Communities of practice are groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly. I
- Comparing 12 Free Screencasting Tools, January 21, 2010
Combing through the basic functions and features of a list of tools.
- PKM in 2010- Learning and Working on the Web, January 27, 2010
Personal Knowledge Management [This This post is a continuation of Sense-making with PKM (March, 2009)] Personal = according to one's abilities, interests and motivation (not directed by external forces) Knowledge = the capacity for effective action (know how)
- How to Navigate Social Media (and Avoid Information Overload)- Rapid eLearning Blog, January 26, 2010
There's a lot of conversation about social media. And for good reason. The tools let you connect with peers who share common interests. It's also a great way to build a personal learning network. For example, if you build rapid elearning courses with Articulate products there are all sorts of resources available to you:
- Age of External Knowledge- elearnspace, January 19, 2010
I've stated (many) times that the most significant impact of the internet is the externalization (capturing and recording…and then making available for future analysis) of all aspects of our lives. How much do we need to commit to memory when we can search Google? What does it mean to "know" something today?
- Metalearning and Learning Styles- Big Dog, Little Dog, January 20, 2010
First, I’m sorry for the long delay between postings but I got tied up with a couple of complex projects. Hopefully future postings will be more timely. One of the elements in the Periodic Chart of Agile Learning is metalearning — being aware of and taking control of one’s own learning (Biggs, 1985). However, since most educational
- Tips for Effective Webinars- January 25, 2010
Tips for Effective Webinars By Maria H. Andersen January 21, 2010 Giving an effective webinar requires some presentation redesign and technology skills that you dont necessarily need in a face-to-face presentation. A great speaker in a face-to-face environment can easily crash and burn in a webinar setting if he or she isnt prepared
- Connect, aggregate, filter; then train- Learning and Working on the Web, January 16, 2010
The primary role of the "training" department [or whatever it becomes] for any knowledge-based business is to Connect & Communicate . As workers co-develop emergent processes they need to be supported through updated information, tools and processes to do their work. This model looks at knowledge flows inside the organization:
- Here's a Quick Way to Create Your Next E-Learning Template in PowerPoint- Rapid eLearning Blog, January 19, 2010
In a previous post, I showed you how to design your own PowerPoint templates . In other posts, I've talked about how to use PowerPoint's drawing features to build the envelope icon and television monitor . These are all intended to help you become more proficient with PowerPoint and your graphic design skills.
- Video use in eLearning- eLearning Path, January 22, 2010
I’ve been seeing a lot of blog posts recently about using video in your projects. One I particularly liked was from Jennifer Wrigley entitled “Top ten tips for using video effectively in e-learning” she makes some excellent points. I’ve been using video in the e-learning presentations that I’ve created when it seems appropriate and that it would add value.
- Instructional Design for Videos- eLearning Brothers, January 22, 2010
A lot of training is using video and it's becoming very easy to create and distribute. As things become easier and cheaper we often see the quality decrease. For example, if you had to spend $10,000 to hire a camera crew to come out and do a video shoot then you'd probably have all of the scripts and talent well prepared. However,
- 5 Easy Tips for Teaching Online Courses- Learning Putty, January 18, 2010
Technology has provided us with the ability to take an online course from anywhere. While this may make being a student easier, it doesn't necessarily make it easier to be an instructor. Actually, in direct contrast it can make our jobs as trainers more difficult. However, the key to being an excellent online
- Collaboration 2.0 - There’s a Shift happening- Free as in Freedom, January 15, 2010
There’s a shift happening and its all around us. We may not be a part of that shift yet, but I’m sure each one of us will soon be. We might want to think that technology is changing the way we collaborate and yes that’s true! But there’s a lot changing in the way we think as well.
- 6 Tips for Creating Audio for E-learning Podcasts, Screencasts and Online Presentations- Electronic Papyrus, January 26, 2010
Recording audio for E-learning contexts is a straightforward process when you use the right equipment and adhere to some basic steps to optimize your recording environment. When was the last time you heard a poorly recorded E-learning course, podcast or online presentation? You know of what I speak.
- Are you a Tech-Savvy Teacher?- eLearning Acupuncture, January 22, 2010
Have you ever been asked if you are a tech-savvy teacher? Probably not. Have you ever wondered to yourself if you are a tech-savvy teacher? If you answered ‘yes’ then this link I am providing below was meant for you.